'ramp - definition. What is 'ramp
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'ramp, RAMP, ['ramp] of RPM is een Duitse muziekgroep. De muziekgroep kwam tot stand in de beginjaren 90.
  • De AZF-fabriek enige weken na de explosie.
Op 21 september 2001 vond er een catastrofale explosie plaats in de chemische fabriek AZF te Toulouse in Frankrijk. Er werd een krater van bijna 30 meter diep en 200 meter breed geslagen, nadat onder andere 300 ton ammoniumnitraat ontplofte.
| datum = 20 oktober 1982
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. "I don‘t think it speaks to the design of the ramp or signalization of the ramp." As a result, the Georgia transportation department has no plans to close the ramp.
2. Robbie Knievel followed in his father‘s footsteps as a daredevil, jumping a moving locomotive in a 200–foot, ramp–to–ramp motorcycle stunt on live television in 2000.
3. Now, he said, the task he and others face will be figuring out "just how to ramp up and ramp down" as donor interest rises and falls.
4. Investigators say the driver apparently mistook an exit ramp for a highway lane, continuing along it without stopping at a T‘‘ intersection at the top of the ramp.
5. In later years it could ramp up further, Garner said.